We know how important it is to stay active and keep your creative juices flowing, so we’re putting out a call for submissions to rewrite the lyrics from a music theatre song. This is a task for a future Sondheim or Lupone of any age!
Our Education Director Rebeccah Singer wrote the following to the tune of “Omigod You Guys” from Legally Blonde:
Wash the palm and the back you guys!
Most people do the front, but not the sides!
Get under the nails and remember to clean off both your thumbs,
Wash your finger guns.
Wash way more than you think you should
It’s the best way we can all do good
Scrub for 30 seconds and remember to dry with something clean
See that sparkly sheen!
We know that you can do So Much Better, so grab a pen and choose from:
“All That Jazz” from Chicago
“My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music
“Hard Knock Life” from Annie
“I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables
Extra points if your song mentions:
Washing Your Hands
Social Distancing, or
What you’ve been up to while you’ve been staying inside.
To ENTER your Young Performer to win a scholarship, simply share your song parody with @PorchlighMT and use the hashtag #PMTSummerCamp!
2020 Musical Theatre Summer Camp is scheduled for July and August, eligible participants will be within the ages of 7 – 17 years old.